So why Acupuncture for pregnancy and childbirthPregnancy and childbirth are very taxing on the body. Below are some of the common health issues which may lead women to seek further help: In the first trimestre, some of the health issues which may arise are fatigue, morning sickness, anxiety, spotting/bleeding and threatened miscarriage. In the second trimestre, headaches, leg cramps, physical discomforts, gestational diabetes may occur. In the third trimestre, the common issues are edema, lower back ache, hip pain, insomnia, extreme fatigue, anxiety, fear of birth, breech baby, membranes rupture without contractions and over the due date. Acupuncture can be used safely to reduce the common health issues presented above as well as increasing general wellbeing and emotional wellness. Regular acupuncture treatment during pregnancy can significantly reduce complications during pregnancy and childbirth (reduced caesarean sections and medical interventions). Mother's health is greatly improved and the positive effects can last well into the postpartum period. As the acupuncture treatment improves blood flow and tackle any disharmonies in the body, the baby also benefits from the treatments. For more information about acupuncture in pregnancy and childbirth, please get in touch From 35 weeks, the weekly treatments are focused on preparing the mother for birth. Studies have shown that weekly acupuncture treatment help with the softening of the cervix, relaxes uterine ligaments, increases optimal positioning of the baby, promotes efficient uterine contractions during birth, and increases stamina. pre birth treatment must not be confused with labour induction. they are two very different treatments. birth preparation with acupuncture focuses not only on preparing the body physically for birth but preparing emotionally for the birth as well.
In a 2004 study (betts & lennox), it was found that there was an overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions and for first time mothers this was a 43% reduction in the number requiring an induction. There was a further 31% reduction in the use of epidural and a further 32% reduction in emergency caesarean. Acupuncture during pregnancy is safe for both mothers and babies. Recent studies have shown that there are no complications associated with the use of acupuncture during pregnancy. In my practice, women who have received pre birth treatments have reported a smooth labour with no complications and a faster recovery post birth. For more information about pre birth treatment and to schedule an appointment, please contact me here |
AuthorCorinne is an licensed acupuncturist based in Amsterdam. Her practice is specialized in pregnancy and birth support as well as postpartum recovery. Archives
December 2022
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