Holistic Health for Women with the help of acupuncture and all the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine
I strongly believe that ill health should not be a part of every stage of a woman's life from menstruation, to trying to conceive, to recovering from birth, to menopause. My focus is to help every woman achieve their health goals, find inner balance, and regain control over her body. I choose to treat the whole woman with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine because this form of medicine offers the most holistic approach to health.
My treatment aims to help you:
Recover from birth
Maintain a healthy pregnancy
Increase fertility
Promote vitality and well-being
Achieve your health goals
Reduce stress and anxiety
Heal emotional trauma including birth trauma and pregnancy loss
Regain hormonal balance
Succeed with dealing with chronic illness
You can choose from a range of treatments such as abdominal wellness massage, acupuncture, cupping, and gua sha. You can combine different treatment methods as well. I will guide you in choosing the right therapy for you and together we create a treatment plan to help you achieve your goal.