I was first introduced to Corinne by my doula. Your first pregnancy can be a mine field, and I really wanted a completely natural pregnancy and birth. I had read a lot about the benefits of acupuncture and reflexology during pregnancy but wasn’t familiar with the practices. Corinne has been the best introduction to this ancient art of healing. She was absolutely amazing during my pregnancy, labour and postpartum. She has not only been an excellent therapist, but was truly comforting during my labour and I thank her for being such a grounded and warm person - she makes me feel relaxed and safe. Corinne is highly skilled, but also incredibly humble and easy to talk to. As a woman she gives me great comfort in seeking homeopathic advice and treatment for alternative medicine. I have also now started cosmetic acupuncture and Gua Sha with Corinne, and find the visual effects of the treatment fantastic! - Marianne
Corinne heeft me een flink aantal keer thuis behandeld met massage en acupunctuur. Wat een verademing, de fijne manier waarop zij tijd en aandacht voor je heeft. En ook precies weet wat je op dat moment nodig heeft. Ik kreeg haar behandelingen in de weken voor mijn bevalling en toen ik over de uitgerekende datum liep. Heel ontspannend maar ook echt 'werk verzet' om de weeen op gang te helpen- en dat lukte gelukkig ook! En ook de behandelingen na de bevalling waren waardevol: ondersteunend en zo een vlot herstel en geen kraamtranen! Ik kan Corinne aan iedere zwangere aanraden: een stroom positieve energie en ' duwtje in de goede richting' voor je bevalling - Marleen
Corinne played an important role in the birth of my first child. I was admitted to hospital for an early delivery (induction) but I preferred to have a natural induction. She was originally booked for a home visit but when she found out I was at the hospital, she came to my hospital room instead! We spent a few hours doing acupuncture and Chinese pressure points and massage. It was honestly the first time I had relaxed the whole pregnancy! There was no time limit which made me very happy too. She left my hospital room at 9pm, I was called into the delivery room at 10.30pm to break my water... and I had a beautiful baby boy (water birth, no medication) by 1.30am! I honestly feel Corinne contributed to my super fast labour and can recommend her highly! Thanks Corinne! -Mel and baby Floriën Skye x
I am very thankful for the treatment I received by Corinne, when I was over the due date. She approached me with an open heart, undivided attention, sincere warmth and a professional attitude. My partner was allowed to be at the session and there was no rush. Corinne explained every step of the process very clearly and only continued after mutual agreement. After the acupuncture session, Corinne even added a massage upon request, that put pressure on specific spots in the legs, ankles and feet that can naturally induce labour. The baby seemed to respond to her interventions, and the same evening I did have promising contractions. Will be back soon for a follow up, if still needed!- Anna
Een behandeling bij Corinne voelt heel volledig. Ze neemt uitgebreid de tijd om een diagnose te stellen. Ook tijdens de behandeling vertelt ze wat ze doet en waarom bepaalde naalden gezet worden. Zo begrijp je precies welke weg je samen bewandelt. Na de behandeling voelde ik me een stuk helderder en energieker. Volgende week ga ik weer! Dank je Corinne. - Mirjam
Thanks to Corinne I now love acupuncture! I never had acupuncture before but was always curious about it. I heard good things about acupuncture and thought I give it a try as my lower back pain started to affect my daily activities. I am very happy to have found Corinne. She makes you feel at ease and explains everything. After a few treatments, my lower back pain is now better. I can be more active and even took up exercising again! - E