Acupuncture therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a form of therapy which has been practised for centuries, making it the oldest form of healthcare system in the world . It is based on the theory that energy (Qi) flows through and around your body along a network of channels referred to as meridians. It is believed that a blockage in the flow of Qi and subsequently an imbalance of Yin and Yang is at the root of diseases. The practice of acupuncture is in principle concerned with removing any blockages and maintaining the free flow Qi as well as re-establishing the dynamic balance between Yin and Yang. Acupuncture is a holistic, natural and effective method of treating diseases.
What happens during a consultation? During the initial intake, you will be asked a series of questions to establish the root of the illness. The signs and symptoms of the illness as well as a full medical history are carefully taken into consideration. A tongue and pulse diagnosis is performed and a treatment plan is discussed with you. The whole treatment takes between one to one and half hours. A follow up appointment takes between 40 to 60 minutes. My acupuncture treatments are covered by most insurance companies depending on your level of cover. Please check on Vergelijk & Kies of your insurance company. My details: CA Laan Prowse Persoonlijk AGB Code 90101198 / Praktijk AGB Code 90060756
I am a member of the Nederlands Vereniging voor Acupunctuurwhich means you can be assured that you are receiving treatments from a highly qualified licensed acupuncturist.
Cancellation Policy- Please read before scheduling an appointment
My practice is committed to providing all of my clients exceptional care. When a client cancels without giving enough notice, this prevents another client from being seen. Please call me on 06-16538948 by 13:00 on the day prior to your scheduled appointment to notify me of any changes or cancellations. To cancel a Monday appointment, please call by 13:00 on Friday. If prior notification is not given, you will be charged the full consultation fee for missed appointment.
Praktijk AGB Code 90060756 CA Laan Prowse AGB Code 90101198 KVK nummer 53223551